Windy Weatherfoot is an animated series that follows an adventurous girl named Windy Weatherfoot (Rainey Treviño) and her twin brother, Walker. As the children of Mother Nature, they live in the quaint town of Sunpike in a magical house with countless portals to different environments around the world. Windy, Walker, and their animal friends embark on journeys that take them around the world to do good deeds for nature and be good-natured along the way. After all, there's no adventure too big and no good deed too small, as long as they are home for supper!
Rockstar--A Great Big World
Northern Lights--Frozen
Let the Sun Shine On--Frozen
Rain on Me (A cappella)--Ariana Grande & Lady Gaga
Narration by Rainier Treviño
1 of 3 Mosquito Joe's commercials
2 of 3 Mosquito Joe's commercials
3 of 3 Mosquito Joe's commercials